The BANCF Commercial Builders Council (CBC) was founded in 1998 to meet the needs of the Association's members involved in commercial construction. The CBC meets every other month for lunch at the Gainesville Woman's Club, where they address specific commercial issues on both the local and national levels such as legislative changes, green building, water intrusion, outlook for commercial development, and many more. These bi-monthly meetings provide an exclusive opportunity for commercial members to network with their fellow commercial members.
All BANCF Members involved in commercial construction are welcome and encouraged to join us for our next meeting! Click here to add yourself to the email list, where you can get details on topics and speakers, as well as reminders for the meetings.
The BANCF Online Directory includes separate listings for Commercial field using the CSI Division List. And, in our published directory that is distributed at the Parade of Homes, there is a special section just for commercial construction.
For questions or more details, Contact BANCF.