The process is simple to become a member

Fill out an application
and submit online

We review your
application and collect payment

Once approved, we will
activate your benefits
If you prefer a paper version, you can print and mail your application with the dues.
Printable Version (PDF of printed application)
Member Benefits
BANCF offers you a variety of opportunities to build your business.
Member to Member Loyalty
BANCF Members do Business with Other Members. Our online directory offers member listings in multiple categories so your business is easy to find. People like to do business with people they know – the more members you meet; the more you can increase your business.
Build Relationships
Monthly Membership Meetings with 150 attendees, special events averaging 350-400 attendees, and committee meetings every week. All of these are exclusive to our 500 member companies and their 6,000+ employees. All offer opportunities to get to know your fellow members and build long-term business relationships.
Money in Your Pocket
By using the many discounts and savings opportunities available, you can save up to or more than the cost of your membership. Exclusive access to model contracts, educational opportunities, building code, and legal information provide significant savings to your bottom line.
Rewarding Opportunities
BANCF’s Events throughout the year (Fishing, Golf, Horseshoe, Cornhole, Installation Banquet) provide a fun time with your fellow members. Plus, each event has a committee that plans and coordinates the event which offers an opportunity for personal and professional growth and sharing with your fellow committee members the rewards of a successful event.